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Since the Library opened its doors in 1961, and it's expansion in 2017,  it has been a place that caters to children. The Library's mission has always been to provide a social, quiet, neutral and trusted space for our youngest patrons.  Learning techniques have changed, but we still offer an extensive collection of books and other media that are both educational and entertaining.  Additionally, we run several programs to encourage our youngest patrons to become and remain active readers.

The Children's Area contains resources for children of all ages, STEAM Kits, Storytime Bags, and computers for toddlers and middle schoolers with and without educational games.  The Library's online databases with full text, quick facts and pictures are an excellent tool for school or research.  To help you find what you are looking for, you may access the catalog compuuter available in the room, or ask our Youth Services Director, Tonya Carter or any member of the Children's Staff for assistance.

New Books & Movies

Search the Catalog ages 3 to 8 to see a list of the latest titles.

Click HERE to view the library Youtube Channel to access past programs such as Babygarten & Storytime.

Click HERE for Gale Products for Kids, Kids InfoBits

External Resources

        AR BookFinder  tumblebooks1 Educate Station Logo