Obtaining a card
Patrons wishing to obtain a library card can apply at the circulation desk. The card is free. Those under 14 must obtain the approval of a parent or guardian.
Borrowing Periods
• Books, periodicals, audio tapes, CDs, and DABs are due in 3 weeks and are renewable unless there is a hold request for them.
• DVDs and videos are due in 1 week and are renewable unless there is a hold request on them.
• Reference material, new periodicals and certain other periodicals may not be checked out.
Library Material Check-Out Limits
Patron Type |
Library Materials Type |
Maximum Items That May Be Checked Out |
Adult, Juvenile & Volunteers | All books | 50 |
Audio tapes, CDs, DABs and Juvenile Book/Audio | 10 | |
DVDs and Videos | 4 | |
Caregiver Kits |
4 | |
Teacher |
All books |
50 |
Audio tapes, CDs, DAB’s and Juvenile Book/Audio | 4 | |
DVDs and Videos |
4 | |
Caregiver Kits |
4 |
• Adult overdue books, books on tape, CDs, DABs, periodicals and items on interlibrary loan are assessed at 10 cents a day up to a maximum of $5.
• Children's overdue books, books on tape, CDs, DABs and periodicals are assessed at 5 cents a day up to a maximum of $5.
• Overdue videos and DVDs are assessed at $.50 per day or a maximum of $10.
• Lost items are assessed the price to replace the item.
Other Fees
• Copier: 10 cents per page black and white, 50 cents per page color
• Computer printer: 10 cents per page.
• Computer disk: $1.
• Fax: $1 per page to send or receive.
Library Cards
• The first card is free.
• Replacement for a lost card is $1.
• There is no charge for replacing a damaged or broken card.
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) & Book Requests
• Patrons may request that the library purchase specific books by filling out a request form at the circulation desk.
• Patrons who cannot find a book in our collection may request it from other libraries through ILL.
• Patrons are responsible for paying shipping charges to return books obtained through ILL. These charges average $2.50.
Postings & Information
• Racks in the lobby are available to the community to display information about non-profit programs and activities.
• A small bulletin board in the main reading room is available for posting notices about non-profit organizations' coming events. These notices should not be larger than 8 ½ x 14” and will be removed immediately following the event.
• One wall in the reading room is for the display of local art; the display rotates monthly. This program is administered by the Rappahannock Art League. Questions about the art should be referred to the RAL Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock, 804-436-9309.
• The display case in the lobby is available for use by the community. It is scheduled monthly by library staff.
Computer Policy
• Patrons wishing to use a computer should agree to the Acceptable Use Policy the first time and thereafter present a library card to be checked for approval.
• From time to time visitors to the area come to the library to use our computers. They are to be permitted access, so long as they sign the policy statement and there is time available.
Privacy & Access
The Library subscribes to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. A copy of the ALA Bill of Rights can be found at